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About Me 

My background is in special education teaching. For around ten years, I also worked in public welfare, particularly with social and family services. Here, I came across FASD and was appalled by the lack of education our system has on this highly prevalent and difficult condition. 


I joined the Institute of Education in 2014 to pursue a Masters in Special Education, where I focussed on FASD, language development, behaviour and sleep. I found that there is a link between the amount a child sleeps, the number of words they pick up, and their behaviour. This leads us to believe that sleep interventions are crucial to understanding and managing children’s behaviour. 


My PhD is focussing on the relationship between sleep, emotions and behaviour in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. I am conducting this research because I hope to help develop meaningful intervention services for children with FASD, particularly in early education when interventions are crucial. 


This PhD is being supervised by Dr Dagmara Dimitriou, UCL Institute of Education and Dr Cathy Hill, Southampton NHS Trust. It sits within the Lifespan Learning and Sleep Laboratory at UCL Institute of Education. 

About LiLAS

The Lifespan Learning and Sleep Laboratory conducts high quality multidisciplinary research across a range of neurodevelopmental disorders from childhood through to adulthood. The work of LiLAS examines sleep in relation to cognitive, behavioural and general mental health of families. 


LiLAS is based at 25 Woburn Square, London WC1H. 

It is part of the Department of Psychology and Human Development, at the UCL institute of Education. 


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